Lawyers for one of the women who have accused Donald Трамп of sexual assault subpoenaed his campaign for all documents relating to her, all communications with or about her and any other women he touched inappropriately.

In response, Donald Трамп plans to declare war on North Korea.
Republican lawmakers and the chicken industry are aggressively lobbying to speed up poultry inspection lines a change the Obama administration had rejected after warnings it would endanger workers and increase food contamination.

A spokesperson for Donald Трамп said, “It’s chicken! How often do people get infected by bad chicken?”
Users on Facebook and Twitter over the last 24 hours are demonstrating how many people have been impacted by sexual assault by posting two words, “Me too.”

Reports say Harvey Weinstein was planning to post, “Me too,” but then someone explained it’s really only a phrase victims should use.
Have you done your part today? If not, take a moment to decide what to do, how you can help, and pitch in! Maybe pitching in for you means telling me I’m dumb, go for it! Whatever it is, make your time count!

Trump campaign subpoenaed over sexual assault allegations

Another Obama Decision Reversed? Now It’s About Food Safety.

Why #MeToo is taking over your social media feeds
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